
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 15, 2024





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The woke revolution sweeping America has as its primary goal the installation of extreme socialism and eventually full-blown communism. This should frighten all rational, freedom-loving Americans. Communism ultimately provides only misery and death, a fact that few young people properly understand. It is not a form of government, but rather a form of tyranny. 

Communism consists of a privileged elite taking central control of power while hired demonstrators yell ‘justice and equality,’ promoting a false illusion of public support. In other words, precisely what we are experiencing today. 

Most people understand that communism started with the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and that 100 million Russians died at the hands of the Bolshevik tyrants. They did it through scarcity, terror, isolation, and mass murder.

At its simplest, Communism is a strategy of ‘bait and switch’ by a small group of egomaniacs who have everything money can buy but want ultimately to rule the world and the lives of all within it. Whenever you put too much power in the hands of a few, history tells us that economic, social, and actual death follow. In his book Death by Government, University of Hawaii Professor Emeritus of Political Science, R.J. Rommel estimated that totalitarian regimes, whether socialist, communist, or their close cousins—fascism and Nazism—killed 169 million in the 20th century. This does not include the 38 million who died in that century’s wars against totalitarian regimes. 

The common thread that runs through these tyrannies is their totalitarian control in the name of ‘justice and equality.’ They allow no checks and balances, nor local jurisdictions to govern themselves. They demand absolute state power over every human being. Lenin achieved it by fomenting class warfare in Russia. Hitler accomplished it with race war. Either way, the ‘divide and conquer’ system of fascists and communists are much the same.

Saul Alinsky taught all this in the U.S. with his book Rules for Radicals, which resulted in the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Since 1971, SPLC’s actions have been fueling resentment and hatred among people of different regions, classes, and races. Such ‘identity politics’ is the primary tool of totalitarians in their conquest of the population.

In her outstanding November 2017 essays in The Federalist, former intelligence analyst Stella Morabito divides the process into six 6 phases, several of which have already been completed in America: 

  1. laying the groundwork
  2. propagandizing 
  3. agitating 
  4. state takeover of society’s institutions
  5. coercion of conformity, and 
  6. final solutions. 

Morabito explains: 

“Once their organizations breed enough ill will, the ‘masses’—made up of mostly alienated individuals—can be baited and mobilized to do the bidding of power elites, with a rhetorical veneer claiming justice and equality.”

Most of our readers will consider George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and others as the elites, and Antifa and Blacks Live Matter groups as among the masses. These groups are invariably communist or fascist. 

Unknown to young people unaware of political history, mobs of alienated people being exploited by powerful elites, is an old story. Their actions have been exploited by those who would deprive us of the freedoms our forefathers fought for. Using freedom to fight freedom is an old tactic of all totalitarians and so the many athletes who have refused to stand at the national anthem or, in other ways, promote wokeness have played right into their hands. If enough people do not fight back against these developments in our nation, Morabito says, “tyranny can secure a foothold.”

None of the recent woke trends has been more damaging than the federal takeover of our public schools, creating a ‘Common Core Curriculum.’ It has all but removed creative thinking and writing from our schools and promotes eccentric ways of doing mathematics. Perhaps not surprisingly, Bill Gates financed a major portion of this failed program. Teachers’ unions have compounded this mistake by creating confusion and frustration among their students over the violent demonstrations in many cities. The fact that so many teachers are still unwilling to return to work even as the pandemic subsides tells us that many are not primarily driven by the best interests of their charges.

In Educating the Self in School, her April 26 Newsmax article, author Alexandra York explains an important solution to the problem:

“Now is past time for responsible parents to vigorously participate with school boards and teachers as to what their children should be taught…or not. Way past time to stop teachers from pushing PC doctrine; current-day politics do not belong in classrooms. Children need to learn how to think, not what to think. Time to foster curiosity and ambition.”

Journalism in western democracies has also fallen prey to woke progressivism, as independent reporting has succumbed to propagandic opinion journalism, not only on editorial pages but on the front pages as well. The growth of ‘fake news’ has driven people to agitate for a collectivist agenda. Manipulation of language has taken on the look of Newspeak described in the appendix of George Orwell’s famous dystopian novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four 

Morabito, in the aforementioned essay, exposes the crux of this problem when she says:

“Journalists increasingly become propagandists, and promote illusions of alternative realities. This includes the revision of history, as well as trends such as gender ideology, which pushes to de-sex everybody in the eyes of the law. As propaganda takes the form of political correctness, it threatens people with social rejection if they don’t conform to the politically correct agendas.”

Lenin made it clear in his conquest of Russia that propaganda and agitation were essential phases. The more agitation in the form of protests, parades, demonstrations, and marches to affect public policy become common in public life, the faster a nation moves to totalitarianism. Again, this is exactly what we are seeing in America, Canada, and many other western countries today.

Hollywood would have us focus on nothing but wokeness, which is undoubtedly why the April 25th Academy Awards bombed in the ratings. Most Americans are sick of celebrities ranting against the very society that made their wealth possible. 

Activists recognize that directly promoting costly and inefficient socialist economic policies is often seen as distasteful. Destroying our institutions from within so that communism can fill the vacuum is the more efficient way. Leading this destruction from within over the past half-century has been the bureaucratic bloat of the ‘deep state,’ not an illusion of conspiracy theorists, but a genuine and powerful covert part of our government. The senior author of this paper witnessed it during President Donald Trump’s term in office when he was regularly thwarted by the power of the embedded socialists/communists in the deep state. 

Possibly even worse has been the undermining of the family and the institutions that support it, such as the church and local civic associations. We see groups coerced to admit to ‘white privilege’ and growing surveillance of those not conforming to woke speech. In social settings, people are often uncomfortable speaking their minds for fear of being called racist and all the other epithets that go with it.

The woke revolution, the subversion of our nation, is, fortunately, not yet complete. Stella Morabito writes:

“America is still a free nation with laws on the books that protect individuals from abuses by the state. But we should be very disturbed by the emergence of trends that, if left unchecked, would lead to consolidation of centralized power by elites who would abolish the Bill of Rights as the current administration appears to be attempting. Communism, as well as fascism and such forms of totalitarianism, is the natural product of such unchecked trends.”

Socialists tell us that they will feed, clothe and shelter us with access to free medical care as long as we keep them in power. But this is really a form of slavery, dependent on coercion and the suppression of human freedom. Socialism ties people to the government, just as medieval landlords tied their serfs to the land. As government dependency grows, socialism moves toward totalitarianism. Ultimately, it results in ordinary citizens becoming powerless subjects of the state.

The framers of our constitution knew that the system they established could only survive if it were fought for. Continuing our freedom, the goal of our constitution will only be possible if we seriously fight to throw off the shackles that this new administration, the elite, mainstream media, and their deep state allies are forging for us all.


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