
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 18, 2024





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Paul Harvey is my all-time favorite broadcaster and radio philosopher. Among his many memorable quotes is a proverb where he says, “In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these.”

I agree with this gem. When in bad times, it is helpful to remember there have been bad times before, but they eventually pass. The passage of time seemingly heals all. We recover and grow stronger, more knowledgeable, perhaps even wiser, and more resilient. Yes, life has extremes we oscillate between. But, when life is troubled, we instinctively know the sun will come up tomorrow.

But is this as true in today’s America as it has been recently?

Do you feel safe in America? Isn’t the government supposed to keep its citizens safe and secure? But do any of us feel safe and secure in Mr. Joe Biden’s world of dangerous, open international borders, escalating violent city crime, high monetary inflation, and painfully escalating interest rates? Are you sure the school your children attend teaches them the required math, reading, and writing lessons they must have, or are surreptitious race and gender indoctrination taking place; and being hidden from you?

“In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these,” but I cannot recall having been through times like these. Have you had this experience? Your daughter tells you there are ten new children in her class. She says there are a lot of new kids in every class. As you look into it, you find that the federal government, specifically the Department of Homeland Security, has flown in 97 new migrant families into your school district. There has been no formal announcement about this or any information on whether this will impact local school taxes or your child’s learning environment.

Mr. Biden’s bloated annual budgets are increasingly financed with borrowed money, pushing the nation’s debt beyond 32 trillion dollars. On top of this, Mr. Biden and his Democrat Party have spent over 6.5 trillion dollars over the last two years, igniting and fueling runaway dollar inflation.

Because of inflation, the Federal Reserve is ratcheting up interest rates to slow the economy and bring down inflation. But this medicine has nasty, harmful side effects, making us all less secure as we wrestle with our family budgets.

As interest rates rise, so do the interest rates we must pay on the money our federal government borrowed, making paying off this monstrous debt even more onerous. Increasing interest rates also slow corporate borrowing and expansion, and companies tighten their belts by laying off workers. High-interest rates also make home mortgage loans too expensive for many would-be new homeowners, forcing them to continue paying rent instead of investing in a House.

How are we not closer to economic collapse and ruin if we continue to allow excessive federal spending and ever-inching upward interest rates to continue?

Do you trust Mr. Joe Biden with anything, much less your safety and national security? If we do not find a mutually agreed upon level of safety and security from our government institutions, then what is the point of government?

The Frankly Daniel Show with Daniel Baranowski on America Out Loud Talk Radio can be heard Saturday and Sunday at 9 am ET. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. Listen to other episodes of The Frankly Daniel Show, available on podcast.


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