
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 29, 2024





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In 1964, after passing the latest version of the Civil Rights Act, it became the Democrat’s weapon to insist that Americans should accept a redress of the past ills committed by our white ancestors against their black brothers in the dim twilight of growing American commerce, could easily be accomplished if we, today’s white Americans would only accept our guilt over what happened two hundred years earlier by adopting affirmative action plans as the rule of the land so we’ll all be happy.

We’ve been on a downhill slide ever since, not because it was a bad idea, but because it gave the Communist party USA a reason to convert the old Democrat party of the KKK into their American face with the excuse to meddle with America’s social, legal and political norms to correct an injustice of course. Affirmative Action was the precursor of today’s social strife, and the hard work most Americans did to make it work is unraveling due to the Democrat version of fascist politics.

Frederick Douglas Republicanism, black and white Americans who believe in the US Constitution and have seen beyond the prior ugliness, is struggling to stay relevant. Trump made it relevant, and the fascist Democrats simply can’t have that. Equality under the constitution, meaning equal chances for all, is to be applauded, so why isn’t it working?

Well, the differences are cultural, but the demands for equality swept the ranks of the federal government, private corporations, and especially the military by advancing minorities, often without sufficient qualifications or abilities, into jobs they were unprepared for, and we said nothing. Then, by percentages, minorities were advanced into supervisory positions above others, and we still said nothing, but we did slowly recognize we were living a lie. We said nothing for fear of being labeled “racists.” Our social patterns are now molded around fear.

We face a diabolical political party, the Communist Party USA, disguised as the Progressive Democrat Party, whose singular goal from the beginning has been to destroy America and change our way of life. I can’t disagree that our way of life could use some major adjustments, but not by abolishing our inalienable rights to enjoy the freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and replacing it with top-down government control by our intellectual betters.

Consider it this way. In 2016, Donald Trump smashed their Great Reset scheme, so they took their revenge in the 2020 election. The approaching 2024 election, therefore, finds a battered but not beaten Donald Trump at the cusp of another victory, promising to usher in his Keep America Great plan, but, in the light of pure reason, we can see that it is not really about Donald Trump, and neither is it about the Left’s useful idiot Joe Biden. It’s about the Left keeping power. The Democrats can’t keep power if the government remains wedded to infallible principles of the Constitution, so the principles must be changed.

The eight years of Barack Obama signaled the near completion of the CPUSA’s long struggle to transform America, but Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 left the Democrats stunned like a cow in a slaughterhouse, and from that point on, American politics was irrevocably changed. We are no longer E. pluribus unum, and no longer, apparently, do we Trust in God.

The Left was outraged because, under Hillary Clinton’s leadership, they expected to hold a permanent majority forever and took a sacred vow not to lose their grip again because they weren’t paying attention. Hence, the disastrous Joe Biden. During those eight Obama years, Democrats pretended to esteem the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, our National Anthem, and our motto, “In God We Trust.” It was living the lie.

Under Democrats, no longer do we accept our Judeo-Christian ethos. Americans no longer respect or share anything resembling a common American culture. Our heritage is found in museums, on courthouse lawns, and on Mt. Rushmore if they’re not torn down by “wokeism.” If we complain about the loss, we’re criticized as racist, unAmerican, and hateful.

In the meantime, we’re saddled with odious ideas that only sexual predators celebrate and will be hounded into a jail cell if we complain. Look what Democrats have done to our military. Real men are leaving the ranks to be filled with woke perverts and weaklings. We are living the lie!

A change is coming sooner than we can expect. Be ready for it.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get involved.

Image: Licensed via AP


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