
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 26, 2024





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This week on “Trevor Loudon Reports,” Trevor discusses the Marxist infiltration of churches in America as part of a broader Marxist strategy to undermine and ultimately destroy the United States.

Trevor makes important points, such as:

1 Marxism is fundamentally opposed to religion and seeks to undermine it as part of its broader strategy to destroy America.

2 Marxists have infiltrated churches in America, particularly the Catholic Church, since the early 20th century, using tactics such as pretending to convert to Catholicism and becoming priests or bishops.

3 The Catholic Church was initially targeted because it was seen as a pillar of American society and a major obstacle to Marxist goals.

4 The Catholic Church’s opposition to Marxism weakened in the 1960s, leading to a more liberal and Marxist-influenced direction.

5 Pope Francis is a Marxist and has openly collaborated with German Communists on various projects.

Trevor explains that communist ideas have been introduced into churches, weakening their traditional values and hindering their ability to promote a free society. The infiltration is traced back to the early 1900s with the arrival of communist immigrants and the establishment of the Communist Party. Early communist efforts focused on mainline Protestant churches and institutions like seminaries. Initially seen as resistant due to its structure, the Catholic Church was later infiltrated through homosexual men entering the priesthood.

The infiltration was achieved by introducing socialist ideas and manipulating scripture. Additionally, Trevor criticizes the Johnson Amendment of 1956 for discouraging political discussions in churches. The communist infiltration now includes Evangelical and Baptist churches. The concept of “situation ethics” is presented as an example of how morality has been weakened.

How did this happen?

Trevor explains that once the left has power, they shut out the opposition. He gives the example of conservative professors who may hire liberals if they are very good at their jobs, but liberal professors will only hire other liberals. This allows the left to take over departments and dictate new hires, hiring only people who think like them. The same principles allow Marxist infiltration of churches, seminaries, Bible colleges, etc.

This has led to the “woke church,” where social issues like class oppression, white privilege, homophobia, Islamophobia, etc., are emphasized over traditional Biblical teachings.

The goal is to move evangelical churches to the left, into the Democratic party, to destroy the Republican party, and to establish a one-party socialist state. This infiltration has occurred in major evangelical organizations like Campus Crusade, InterVarsity, World Vision, and the Southern Baptist Convention.

Call to Action:

Christians are urged to be more politically active in defense of the country and its founding principles.

Trevor Loudon Reports airs on Saturday and Sunday at 3 PM ET. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. The day after airing on talk radio, all episodes can be found on podcast networks worldwide.


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Brian Fraser
Brian Fraser
8 days ago

This is from the FBI’s 1960s list of the 45 Communist tactics and goals: 

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

I think all of our current problems have their roots in “Stealth Communism”. The Communists have achieved 44 of the 45 goals stated on a list compiled by the FBI back in the 1960s.

Google “StealthCommunism.pdf” and find this quote:

“Communism, in Western societies, takes the form of a stealthy, deluding influence. It is like a fog bank that slowly and silently creeps in over the landscape. It impedes progress and visibility in every direction but offers nothing to come to grips with. It even seems “normal”. But it is like carbon monoxide poisoning. People know something is wrong but their minds are so impaired they cannot figure out what it is. The “enemy” is not visible.”

That is what is happening today. We are being taught to hate each other, and to doubt our form of government as a constitutional republic. We are thinking the way the Communists are training us to think, without even realizing it. And our government and the mass media are cooperating!

Americans need to be emphatically and explicitly informed in detail about the subtle tricks and tactics that the Communists have been using on us. Otherwise, our ignorance, the “decadent stupidity of the Capitalists”, will be our downfall.

Strip the trees of leaves and the snipers will be exposed. Then the people will no longer be deceived. WE THE PEOPLE need to expose Stealth Communism!

Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten
8 days ago

Go to Xwitter @ Adler Pfingsten and read the articles “A Viable Two State Solution” and “2026”.

Doing so will be well worth your time. God has empirically evidenced existence and is fully engaged.

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