
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 30, 2024





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The Left’s attacks against Donald Trump have taken their toll, but more specifically on the Republican Party, as reflected at the beginning of the 2024 campaign when the GOP debates between the several contenders trying to replace Trump revealed the party’s dysfunction. Trump won because his great performance in his 2016 presidency, despite the constant attacks by the Progressives to stop him from ruining their plans to fundamentally change America over to socialism, was dawning on a great swath of Americans slowly realizing where the Democrats have been taking us, into the hell hole of tyranny. Trump still stands in their way.

The attacks on Trump have worked in so far as they did prevent his second consecutive term, installing the idiot instead, Joe (the cadaver) Biden imbued with his fifty years of foreign policy experience to safely guide America through the rocks and shoals of a growing number of nuclear-armed America haters. Good ‘ol Joe can be depended upon to embarrass America and the Presidency on the public stage, but the Leftist media and Democrat spokespersons assure us that everything is okay, that if ‘tyranny’ were to come to America, it would do so using already known patterns employed by previous despots.

Americans have no experience with despots so who would those be? Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin come to mind. What is required to create a totalitarian state?

First, it mandates that education include lessons glorifying socialism that should be taught in public schools from kindergarten up. Next, eliminate contending political parties. When that is achieved, empower an unelected bureaucracy under the guidance of a psychopathic leader (certainly not Joe) supported by an effective, fear-inducing police state like the SS, KGB, Stasi, FBI, ATF & IRS under the party’s strict control to enforce mandates; then, absorb all methods of communications into the hands of the state’s propagandists in order to censor dangerous contrary thoughts and flood media with party approved propaganda.

Of course, weapons in the hands of anybody other than the state pose a singular danger to state security. For ‘public safety,’ the Second Amendment would be suspended, and all private weapons would be seized under the threat of severe penalty for noncompliance. All weapons manufactured will be a state monopoly under a military-industrial complex cooperative that forbids non-government production, establishing predatory capitalism.

This type of state control over a national economy is called Fascism. You keep your factory; just make what we tell you. All of these points and others are now operational right here in our once-great America, yet Democrats deny it.

Trump’s MAGA supporters are described as domestic terrorists infected with wild and dangerous conspiracy nonsense who should be neutralized. Some conservative thinkers, they say, have been actively engaged in slandering Joe Biden’s Progressive government while trivializing the extraordinarily growing brutality of 20th-century totalitarianism some of us have already seen or experienced. That brutality is on the rise again!

The oncoming threats of radical Islam as we witnessed with Hamas’s attack on Israel, ordered by Iran’s Ayatollahs and North Korea’s little gargoyle Kim Jong Un, who helps manufacture the thousands of rockets raining down on Israel from both Islamic Hamas and Islamic Lebanon.

Why aren’t we alarmed by the disintegration of our constitutionalism?

We are dismissed as nut cases by ‘experts’ proclaiming: “There can’t be any totalitarianism in America because it does not meet the criteria of a 1956 political science study adopted by Progressive thinkers as undisputed authority.”

They attempt to assuage us of the coming dangers with invented terms they hope won’t scare us, like “soft totalitarianism.” What does that mean? Can they beat us with a rubber stick instead of a wooden one? Of course not. If you are in their hands and remain contrary, they’ll go full bore to beat some sense into your head until you comply. 1984 anyone?

If given a choice… what would you pick, soft terror or gentle terror?

If it’s not stopped in this next election by returning Donald Trump, then we will all soon feel the wrath of the uniparty or deep state unthreatened by the Constitution. It’s time to stand up and be counted.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!


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