
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 26, 2024





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I learned in 2018 that there are hundreds of teenage athletes in America alone who die every year while playing high school sports. I decided to dive in six and seven years ago to find out why heat strokes and heart attacks are not uncommon for these athletes, and just so you know, the principles I learned about what causes these people’s hearts to stop, what causes their brains and bodies to overheat are all connected to one single mineral.

It was shocking to find out that all of these school athletes, both in universities and high school, are mainly sponsored around the world by one specific hydration drink company, and all of you know what company that is. Did you know the one mineral responsible for governing the body, core body temperature, and everybody is the same mineral responsible for the majority of heart attacks and deaths in the world of all humans?


Did you know that the same mineral is the fourth mineral in every single drop of sweat? And I find it amazing that Earth’s number one hydration sports drink does not supply this mineral back to the body.

I am going to highlight the significance of this one and only mineral on earth that should be supplemented, and I am going to review highlights of what this mineral does for every patient who has high blood pressure, arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, angina, or chest pain of any kind. This one mineral will resolve all of those issues for the majority of you, including the hardening of your arteries.

In this episode, I will also highlight a study out of Japan. The study confirmed that one mineral is so lost in our sweat that if you consumed it at dinner every single day, you could remit all high blood pressure in just a few days if you just made sure you had this mineral in your meal.

Within two years of employment, factory workers in Japan were all diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on high-blood pressure drugs. When the government brought in scientists, they figured out what mineral these workers were losing in their sweat was causing high blood pressure. When they had these workers eat that mineral or drink it every day… all of them said bye-bye to their high blood pressure problems. And so can you!

I am thrilled to share the knowledge I’ve gained over the last seven years about this vital topic on Looking 4 Healing Radio.

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Looking 4 Healing Radio can be heard on weekdays at 11 am ET. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. All episodes of Looking 4 Healing Radio can be found on podcast networks worldwide the day after airing on talk radio.


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Brian Fraser
Brian Fraser
1 month ago

This is not a helpful, informative article.

Reply to  Brian Fraser
1 month ago

BF: Right, the text portion isn’t informative. The detailed message from Dr. Ardis is in the podcast embedded above in the tiny audio player section.

He mentions the mineral magnesium many times starting around the 27:00 minute mark.

Su Chin
Su Chin
1 month ago

Thank you Dr Ardis.

Last edited 1 month ago by Su Chin
Su Chin
Su Chin
1 month ago

Thank you Dr Ardis. This is very informative and helpful.

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