
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

July 2, 2024





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Implementing the Radical Left’s green energy scheme is mathematically impossible to achieve, let alone maintain. The Left knows it. The facts that prove this are ignored by the Democrat Party’s Radical Leftists and their media propagandists to hasten America’s collapse.

Primarily, the destructive “War of the Worlds,” like machines, like all machines in constant use, wear out. The question is, what to do with them when their shelf life expires? We have already been introduced to a major problem when Texas suffered the ill effects of a frigid winter swept down from the north with snow, ice, and below-zero temperatures. They didn’t work, collapsing the entire electricity production for half of the state because our Green experts, who are smarter than us, closed down coal-fired power plants. Imagine sitting in your Tesla just then, out of juice, freezing to death in a car going nowhere.

Each of these infernal machines, trundling in the wind as they do, require eighty gallons of lubricants to avoid overheating from friction and freezing, bringing them to a grinding halt. A heater mechanism would allay the freezing problem, but those machines don’t produce enough electricity to save themselves, let alone serve the public that depends on them. Also, they would increase the cost of production and operation.

The average wind farm of 150 turbines needs synthetic lubricant based on crude oil, about 12,000 gallons to be replaced annually. Estimations suggest that over 3,800 turbines would be required to power a city the size of New York. That’s 304,000 gallons of refined oil per year just to serve one city. And remember, even on those figures alone, windmills don’t pay for themselves without government subsidies. Are we really that stupid or what? The Left knows what it’s doing!

To calculate the cost of operating every wind farm and every windmill to serve every city across the nation just on the yearly oil consumption used by these machines from hell is unmanageable. We’re paying for it with no return on our investment. Where is all that lubricating oil coming from now? We don’t produce it here since Biden crashed our own production. It comes from our Saudi friends in the Middle East. I haven’t even mentioned the cost of installing one of these things or the costs of bringing them down when they reach the end of their shelf life. I’m talking about the heavy equipment needed to install these wind farms all run on petroleum. As well as the equipment required to install them, service them, maintenance and eventually removal. And just exactly how eco-friendly is wind energy anyway? If it doesn’t blow, it doesn’t go!

Among the most significant weaknesses of the horizon blotting Chinese windmills from hell are those 120 to 200-foot-long blades and what to do with them when they wear out, break, get dented, or get a bullet hole in them? Every time a blade chops up an eagle or other large bird (what’s the avian death count now, 500,000 birds annually) gets even slightly dented, it needs to be replaced so that its oscillation won’t burn up the generator. In any event, they’re done after twenty years of use anyway and are disposed of by being buried in windmill blades graveyards because there is no way to recycle them. We could send them back to China, I suppose. That’s how the Left’s green energy schemes don’t work!

Trust Leftists to cling to the law of bad ideas with good intentions even after their good intentions have destroyed a perfectly workable energy industry. They are subsidized with tax-payer money and the Radical Left cannot abide admitting to the failures of their stupid dreams. 

Let’s talk about disposal. Turbine blades made of fiber composite are not reusable and cannot be refurbished. It’s off to the dump for them. The greens never thought of that, so, just bury them. But where? Already special landfill graveyards are filling up. No math is needed here.

Try this: If only 3% to 7% of the nation is currently being supplied by wind energy, the other 93% of the nation relied on the wind grid, in another twenty years, we’d have all those extra thousands upon thousands of unusable blades with no place to put them.

Here’s another problem with windmills. The generators apparently operate at high power and voltage (don’t know about amperage) to include the switching equipment all compacted together in those little compartments high above the ground, increasing the danger of arcs, sparks, and electrical fires. To prevent this from happening, all the electrical equipment is installed in a pressure vessel filled with sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), a synthetic gas that has properties supposed to suppress electrical fires. But windmills leak this gas, something around a pound each per year. SF6 has an atmospheric lifetime of 3,200 years and is 22,800 times more effective as a greenhouse gas than carbon.

The Greens don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, yet the Left has seized upon climate change as the single issue that threatens our National Security. If you haven’t noticed, it’s the Communist Party USA (Democrats) that are the single greatest threat to our National Security. 

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!


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